48 research outputs found

    Innovaci贸n social y capacidad de organizaci贸n de las cooperativas pesqueras en el municipio de Balanc谩n, Tabasco, M茅xico

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    La presente investigaci贸n aborda el dilema provocado por un problema ambiental, causado por la especie invasora de un pez (plecos), que afecta la capacidad econ贸mica de las cooperativas pesqueras de la subregi贸n R铆os en la cuenca del Usumacinta del municipio de Balanc谩n, Tabasco. El objetivo fue caracterizar la capacidad organizativa de tres cooperativas pesqueras y la forma de aprovechamiento de esta especie como una medida de innovaci贸n tecnol贸gica. Para ello se establecieron dos criterios de investigaci贸n, el nivel de tecnificaci贸n y nivel de organizaci贸n, con los que se realiz贸 una gr谩fica de caracterizaci贸n que indica la capacidad organizativa de las tres cooperativas pesqueras; se utilizaron cuatro escalas num茅ricas: situaci贸n no deseable (1); situaci贸n regular (2); situa- ci贸n buena (3) y situaci贸n 贸ptima (4) con las que pudimos realizar un comparativo y establecer que la cooperativa San Pedro es la que re煤ne las caracter铆sticas de organizaci贸n y tecnificaci贸n para llevar a cabo la innovaci贸n tecnol贸gica de aprovechamiento del plecos (Pterygoplichthys spp.). Finalmente, la conjugaci贸n de los criterios t茅cnico y de organizaci贸n, permiten, por un lado, identificar las 谩reas de oportunidad dentro de la organizaci贸n para ser mejoradas, as铆 como el dise帽ar y establecer proyectos integrales junto con los pescadores para atenuar y/o solucionar problemas de diversa 铆ndole

    Learning to hunt Crocodiles: social organization in the process of knowledge generation and the emergence of management practices among Mayan of Mexico

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    Background New kinds of knowledge, usage patterns and management strategies of natural resources emerge in local communities as a way of coping with uncertainty in a changing world.Studying how human groups adapt and create new livelihoods strategies are important research topics for creating policies in natural resources management. Here, we study the adoption and development of lagartos (Crocodylus moreletii) commercial hunting by Mayan people from a communal land in Quintana Roo state. Two questions guided our work: how did the Mayan learn to hunt lagartos? And how, and in what context, did knowledge and management practices emerge? We believe that social structures, knowledge and preexisting skills facilitate the hunting learning process, but lagarto ecological knowledge and organizational practice were developed in a learning by doing process. Methods We conducted free, semi-structured and in-depth interviews over 17 prestigious lagartos hunters who reconstructed the activity through oral history. Then, we analyzed the sources of information and routes of learning and investigated the role of previous knowledge and social organization in the development of this novel activity. Finally, we discussed the emergence of hunting in relation to the characteristic of natural resource and the tenure system. Results Lagarto hunting for skin selling was a short-term activity, which represented an alternative source of money for some Mayans known as lagarteros. They acquired different types of knowledge and skills through various sources of experience (individual practice, or from foreign hunters and other Mayan hunters). The developed management system involved a set of local knowledge about lagartos ecology and a social organization structure that was then articulated in the formation of ?working groups? with particular hunting locations (rumbos and trabajaderos), rotation strategies and collaboration among them. Access rules and regulations identified were in an incipient state of development and were little documented. Conclusions In agreement to the hypothesis proposed, the Mayan used multiple learning paths to develop a new activity: the lagarto hunting. On the one hand, they used their traditional social organization structure as well as their culturally inherited knowledge. On the other hand, they acquired new ecological knowledge of the species in a learning-by-doing process, together with the use of other sources of external information. The formation of working groups, the exchange of information and the administration of hunting locations are similar to other productive activities and livelihood practiced by these Mayan. Skills such as preparing skins and lagartos ecological knowledge were acquired by foreign hunters and during hunting practice, respectively. We detected a feedback between local ecological knowledge and social organization, which in turn promoted the emergence of Mayan hunting management practices.Fil: Zamudio, Fernando. Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Facultad de Ciencias Forestales. Instituto de Biologia Subtropical - Sede Puerto Iguazu; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas; ArgentinaFil: Bello, Baltazar Eduardo. El Colegio de la Frontera del Sur; M茅xicoFil: Estrada Lugo, Erin I. J.. El Colegio de la Frontera del Sur; M茅xic

    Tejiendo sue帽os y ti帽endo fracasos: experiencias de mujeres artesanas en una comunidad maya en Yucat谩n, M茅xico

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    El crecimiento econ贸mico en el estado de Yucat谩n se ha dirigido m谩s hacia el sector terciario (servicios), a pesar de la situaci贸n de inestabilidad y precariedad del sector primario, representado por un amplio sector rural que est谩 en la marginalidad y la pobreza. Representativo de ellos es el espacio geogr谩fico de la ex zona henequenera del estado, donde se realiz贸 el presente estudio de caso. Aqu铆 se analizan dos momentos en la formaci贸n y construcci贸n del grupo Ixchel, mujeres artesanas de la comunidad maya de Sahcab谩, Yucat谩n, M茅xico. En el primero se destaca la forma en la que las mujeres del grupo lograron llegar a acuerdos con sus consortes y pudieron reacomodar sus actividades dom茅sticas, lo que les permiti贸 involucrarse con mayor tiempo en la organizaci贸n y la administraci贸n del grupo. En el segundo momento, se analizan las situaciones de conflicto interno del grupo y la concentraci贸n de poder sobre la toma de decisiones en una sola persona, hechos que al no ser resueltos colectivamente conllevaron a la desintegraci贸n del grupo. Las situaciones mencionadas son explicadas a partir de las propias experiencias de las mujeres del grupo Ixchel

    Territorial conflict, ecotourism and poaching: the overlapping of territorial boundaries in the Balam鈥慘煤 Protected Natural Area

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    Territorial conflict and the process of resistance of an Ecotourism cooperative of the ejido Silvituc, Campeche, Mexico, to intrusion of poachers and the irregularity of a UMA on their lands of common use, located within the protected natural area of Balam鈥慘煤. are analysed in this article. The application of interviews, surveys, photographic evidence and GPS recording of the sites, were used to define the various different social agents, interests and appropriations of the territory. The overlap of conservation/extraction activities in the same spaces of fauna resources, has led to hunting pressure and conflict due to the lack of institutional regulation. It is recommended to support this type of local organization that resists and preserves their natural resources with their permanent presence through the active participation of the State, the ejido and the academy, for the conservation, surveillance and regulation of access and use of the zone.Territorial conflict and the process of resistance of an Ecotourism cooperative of the ejido Silvituc, Campeche, Mexico, to intrusion of poachers and the irregularity of a UMA on their lands of common use, located within the protected natural area of Balam鈥慘煤. are analysed in this article. The application of interviews, surveys, photographic evidence and GPS recording of the sites, were used to define the various different social agents, interests and appropriations of the territory. The overlap of conservation/extraction activities in the same spaces of fauna resources, has led to hunting pressure and conflict due to the lack of institutional regulation. It is recommended to support this type of local organization that resists and preserves their natural resources with their permanent presence through the active participation of the State, the ejido and the academy, for the conservation, surveillance and regulation of access and use of the zone

    La gesti贸n compartida en los programas de conservaci贸n de especies amenazadas en M茅xico: mecanismos y actores

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    En este estudio se analiz贸 el esquema de estructura participativa de dos programas gubernamentales de conservaci贸n para especies amenazadas en M茅xico; se evalu贸 la organizaci贸n y operaci贸n en red y otras formas de acci贸n colectiva mediante el m茅todo de presencia-ausencia, as铆 como del uso redes sociales y de contenido, con base en entrevistas semiestructuradas. Se pudo observar que las redes son descentralizadas, conformadas por diversos grupos de actores, cuya participaci贸n es crucial para implementar los programas de investigaci贸n cient铆fica. Tambi茅n se pudo advertir que en el caso de los actores que colaboran con el gobierno, suelen ocupar roles de liderazgo, con el posible riesgo de que sobrepongan intereses propios a los establecidos por los programas. Se identific贸 que la operaci贸n de estos 煤ltimos enfrenta obst谩culos tales como la limitaci贸n de financiamiento gubernamental y la rigidez de los lineamientos legales internos que afectan la apertura de las redes a nuevos miembros.The participative structure of two governmental Mexican conservation programs was analyzed. We evaluated the co-management networks and collective action using social network analysis, presence-absence analysis and content analysis, based on semi-structured interviews. Both networks are decentralized, in which the support of different participation groups is a key to accomplish the activities of each program. These groups are more involved in scientific research. Stakeholders that work together with the government through common projects are represented as leaders, but they may follow their own objectives and interests, which can negatively affect the coordination among other stakeholders. Barriers to participation are the funding limitation from federal government and the project internal rules, which affect the access to new participants in the networks

    Instituciones locales y procesos organizativos: el caso de la Reserva de la Bi贸sfera Sian Ka鈥檃n

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    Se analiza desde una perspectiva hist贸rica, los procesos organizativos y el papel de las instituciones locales en el aprovechamiento de sus recursos naturales, en el marco de la din谩mica regional relacionada con las pol铆ticas ambientales que destacan la importancia de las 谩reas naturales protegidas. Nos referimos a la relaci贸n entre la bi贸sfera Sian Ka'an y las localidades con actividades pesqueras y forestales. Los resultados muestran que en la reserva Sian Ka鈥檃n se dan procesos organizativos previos al establecimiento de la reserva; procesos que mantienen instituciones locales consolidadas que han servido para el buen manejo de sus recursos naturales, por lo tanto, para que la pol铆tica de conservaci贸n instrumentada en 谩reas naturales protegidas sea viable debe ir vinculada a los procesos hist贸ricos y culturales de los actores locales

    Leites Lopes, Jos茅 Sergio, A tecelagem dos conflictos de classe na cuidade de chamines

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